Article Video - Denouement - Tuesday, August 1, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - Denouement - Tuesday, August 1, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

That is the French word for Unveiling or Revelation or Surprise Ending. Well, no great surprises, because we could see the plain logic already.

Those who encouraged Don and others to place their funds in the Global Family Group PMA Credit Union and who promised them who-knows-what above and beyond safe haven and inflation-proofing—-? —- had to know that they were selling participation in a State of California Credit Union that was unrelated to me and the International Trade Bank and Bilateral Bank System.

They had to know that the same way a farmer knows the difference between a cow and a horse, but I couldn’t prove it until now.

Go on the Global Family International Trade Bank Channel on Mattermost. Look.

When asked why people had to join a PMA to get an account with —- purportedly — the new International Trade Bank, the truth came out. These people knew they were pitching a State of California Credit Union created for the members of a Private Membership Association (PMA).

They KNEW that what they were doing had nothing to do with me nor with the new yet-to-be-opened International Trade Bank.

They knew I had nothing to do with what they were doing nor with “my” bank, but there they were on the International Trade Bank channel, pitching it anyway and pitching it as if it was associated with the Trade Bank.

They were acting as “scalpers” doing a Bait and Switch routine. The bait was our new banking system and the switch was their State of California PMA Credit Union.

So…. Knowing full well that their credit Union had nothing to do with my endeavors, that in fact my bank development was taking place in an entirely different jurisdiction— why did they confuse the two things?

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