11Aug23 Red State, Red Flag; Will 2024 Vote Be "Hindsight 2020" or "Foresight 2030"? Hospital Death Houses

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OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

Red Flag gun confiscation for a wide range of illnesses and medications pushed by Tennessee Gov even as Nashville tranny killer medication taken and manifesto kept secret (8:22)

Utah man killed by feds shows the danger of Red Flag orders (and social media). (19:32)
The Japanese man who was NUKED TWICE — and survived. But beyond his super rare experience, a US scientist saw nuclear war as a form of genocide. (35:40)

Ecuador assassination and literal war from cartels — the fruit of 50 yrs of prohibition. Are the chickens coming home to roost across our southern border? (48:24)

Brazil's Marxist leader sees climate alarmism as the means of global governance and he is eager to invest into a reimagined and more powerful UN. (55:30)

Group pushes to bring back the Redskins mascot for the Washington Redskins. What about the "Fightin' Whities"? (1:02:21)

Have politicians already sold you into "climate" austerity and slavery? UK Telegraph shows that they have already passed legally binding bans in the UK (and likely everywhere), making elections a moot point — unless someone has the guts to confront the takeover directly (1:12:39)

Will Biden & Trump keep us focused on "Hindsight 2020" or will we look at what's coming with "Foresight 2030"? (1:33:13)

Hospitals — "Death Houses" (1:40:39)
FDA cynically approves Remdesivir, whose most significant adverse effects is death by kidney failure, for patients with kidney disease
Many hospitals shut down maternity wards as birth rates collapse
Public health? FDA approves blood transfusions from sexually active homosexuals (70% of new AIDS cases although a tiny percentage of population). But the jab contamination of the blood supply is FAR more extensive
Supreme Court will reconsider the sweetheart deal Purdue Pharmaceutical negotiated over opium epidemic
INTERVIEW Rise of Inflation AND Labor Unions — Wages Rise But Not Enough to Keep Up with Inflation
The coming banking crisis caused by CRE (Commercial Real Estate) bust, China drowning in debt, the alleged "pandemic" more obviously a fraud with every day that passes
Gerald Celente, TrendsJournal.com, joins (2:00:44)

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