Global Warming, Al Gore, & How "Progressives" Came to Favor Murdering Non-Believers

1 year ago

The wheels do seem to be coming off the global warming scam, unfortunately, the bill of goods rebrand as "climate change" and "climate disruption" has renewed eco-fascists contempt of anyone skeptical of the Anthropogenic Global Warming (climate change) premises.

In this video, I try to hone in on very enlightening facts surrounding the current science, and just how "global warming" became a thing at all.

I hope you'll consider this information with an open mind. I believe the "global warming" concept is being used by government as a scare tactic to gain more government power via taxes, regulations, and fees, and an opportunity for more scamming on an ambiguous "carbon market."

A very special thanks to the fabulous people at Suspicious0bservers. Please subscribe to that channel for more from Ben Davidson:

Watch How the Global Warming Scare Began with John Coleman:

The BIG list of failed climate predictions:

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