Guy Wants To Impress With His High Dive, Flunks The Landing

7 years ago

Summer is finally here and we all know what that means! Copious amounts of sun, sun scream, bathing suits and days spent by the pool side, where those who are not well versed in the sports of diving make the most painful and most viral of fouls – the belly flop!

The sport of high diving has a pretty steep learning curve, and it's painful too...Jerry here has taken belly flopping to a whole new level. He perches on the board with high confidence and he begins his prep. He jumps and plunges for the water with effortless grace, aiming what looks like five somersaults, but in the end we witness that Jerry has overestimated both himself and the height of the board!

If you are one of those people who just love watching a good suspense clip, then this one is just for you! Poor, overly-confident Jerry hits the water in full width, smacking the surface like he was the board he just jumped from. The sound that the contact made is enough to make us sick to our stomachs, so we can only imagine what was going on in Jerry's intestines!

Ah, overconfidence. It can make you feel like a god, capable of accomplishing anything you set your mind to, but it can also make you look like the court jester, underestimating the circumstances of your actions and making you regret your decisions. We know of another Jerry (we sure hope it is not the same guy) that was also so full with confidence, we wanted to boogie board down a sandy hill. You can imagine what happened, but what we love about this Jerry is that he just got up and shrugged it off!

Take this footage as an educational video – ALWAYS measure twice, cut once! And for the sake of your health, please be sure you know what you are doing before you let the camera start rolling.

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