Episode 62-Jason Christoff-Slow Death or Endless Potential?

1 year ago

Robin Stebbins host of the Medicine Girl Podcast interviews the incredible Jason Christoff, a world renown coach who runs an international self sabotage coaching school where students are educated on the subjects of mind control, brainwashing, behavior modification and psychological manipulation. Jason's students then use their knowledge in these areas to help reprogram their clients into better versions of themselves on all levels. Jason believes that the social decay we openly see in our world today has only come about because key players in our society are using this manipulative psychology against most of humanity. if we are to survive and thrive in the upcoming years Jason believes that each citizen must understand these processes, as to protect themselves from future psychological operations. Jason overcame his own self sabotaging behavior after running Canada’s most successful weight loss clinics and realizing that weight loss and self sabotage run hand in hand. Thanks to his due diligence and extensive research, he developed a powerful effective program that allows his students to empower themselves by first learning how these mind control techniques are used on you and then bringing awareness and empowerment to ensure you are not a victim to this every again.

In this interview, Jason reveals how most of the population is being manipulated and coerced into a life that is not only inauthentic but damaging to the physical and spiritual body. He shares his work and passion for taking full responsibility for you life and your health. Never again get tricked into poisoning yourself again.

To find Jason and learn more at https://courses.jchristoff.com/

To find Robin and get off prescribed and OTC drugs purifywithin.com

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