Answering End Times Questions | Jon Benzinger & Dr. Vlach | Eschatology Q&A

1 year ago

Answering End Times Questions | Jon Benzinger & Dr. Vlach | Eschatology Q&A

This comprehensive Q&A navigates through varying perspectives on biblical interpretation, prophecy fulfillment, the Kingdom of God, the Millennium, and the Eternal State. The conversation underscores the significance of historical context, grammar, and the author's intent while encouraging respectful dialogue and a godly life rooted in anticipation of Christ's triumphant return.

End Times Q&A Playlist:

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Dr. Vlach has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, a Master of Divinity degree from The Master’s Seminary, and a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Vlach was awarded the 2008 Franz Delitzsch Prize for his dissertation, “The Church as a Replacement of Israel: An Analysis of Supersessionism.”

Dr. Vlach taught at The Master’s Seminary for fifteen years where he served as Professor of Theology. While there he was Managing Editor of The Master’s Seminary Journal for nine years. Vlach also taught Philosophy and World Religions at Southeast Community College in Lincoln, Nebraska.

A regular conference speaker, Dr. Vlach has appeared on The History Channel. He is most known for his books, Has the Church Replaced Israel: A Theological Evaluation (B&H), and He Will Reign Forever: A Biblical Theology of the Kingdom of God (Lampion). Vlach also has contributed to several multi-author works.

BS University of Nebraska-Lincoln
MDiv The Master’s Seminary
Ph.D. Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary


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00:00 Bible Interpretation and the Rapture (1st Service)
40:36 The Tribulation (2nd Service)
01:18:38 The Second Coming of Christ (3rd Service)
01:56:35 The Millennium (4th Service)
02:34:54 What's Eternity Like? (5th Service)

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