Removal of a Gigantic Lipoma on the Abdomen

7 years ago

Popaholics, I'd fast forward to the 5:50 mark and watch from there. For those trying to learn this procedure I apologize that I lost the first part of this video as that detailed the real challenge of this case which is the anaesthesia. For those doing these in the office setting, that always becomes the challenge. This was done doing a circumferential block and was certainly about as large as I'd ever attempt. You'll see bigger ones taken out on youtube but they'll be done under general anaesthesia or with a tumescent technique that's far more effective than just typical local anaesthesia. This won't be viewed nearly as much as cysts will be, but that's really a shame because the technical challenge here was quite a bit higher. The blunt technique I utilize may not be as 'viewer' friendly but is something I'd advise all residents to learn. It is highly effective and involves far fewer risks as you can actually feel what you are breaking down.

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