Removal of an Epidermal Cyst at the base of the neck

6 years ago

This is actually a challenging area to remove a cyst and not one that I'd recommend for beginners to this sort of thing. The base of the neck has a lot of redundant tissue and folds and the anatomy is such, that without general anaesthesia and a greater ability to manipulate the patient, that access becomes difficult. Add to this the hair line and baby hairs in particular and this becomes even more challenging. I also wish that lighting and picture quality was better for this video, as seeing what I was seeing becomes almost impossible. Suffice it to say that it was very evident that this cyst had a deeper component which is why, at one point I cut off the upper portion of what looks like almost a complete cyst being removed. In these cases, seeing tissue types and appreciating what is and isn't cyst capsule becomes important. Once this is achieved by the person doing the procedure, even if you take this out in 4 or 5 sections, you will be confident, on examining the final area, that there is no cyst material left to be removed. This healed nicely and without incident.

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