( -0565 ) Hey Almost Journalists - Devin Archer Didn't Say That - (& The Comet Ping Pong Shooter Story Was, Whoops, Misreported As Well - Oh The Accidents!)

1 year ago

Almost Doesn't Count Except For Horseshoes and Hand Grenades. - great song & video by Mitchell Tenpenny - The Media have gotten so brazen. Reporting that Devon Archer said what was basically said by Goldstein, but not Devin. Sorry Media - Devon Archer Didn't Say That - (& The Comet Ping Pong Shooter Was "Almost" The Person You Reported On As Well) ( -0565 )

Biden says there's already a $368 billion climate control facility - CNN corrects him and says its $60 billion. What the heck are they talking about? Is it some kind of giant expensive depends-like thing but to handle climate "accidents"?

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