Time of Full Truths Revealed Series – Seg. 2 Part 5– Key Events 2023 - Section3

1 year ago

Video Description for Segment 2/ Part 5: Time is Everything
2023 – The Year that the Full Truth is about to be Revealed!!
This video is a co-production by the Center for the Advancement of Humanity and the Crystal Skull Explorers with host, Joshua Shapiro, who is a co-founder of the Center and is a Crystal Skull – Paranormal Explorer, author and public speaker. In addition we acknowledge the assistance of the Center’s video producer Shahiroz Walji of the Metaphysical Hub for designing various logos for us and our special video background.

The purpose of this video series is to begin a discussion of what Truth (or “Truth Bombs”) will be fully released to all of humanity during this year of 2023 … as our world is about to take a great leap forward through a very intense spiritual awakening (which some call the “Great Awakening”) over the course of approximately the next 15 years.

“Truth” is further defined as what is perceived from the Light of Creator who desires humanity to live in total peace and harmony on “Mother Earth” and that the end is about to begin to the interference of Mankind’s full potential that has been going on for thousands of years as conducted by dark forces of which such terms have been used such as the elite, illuminati, cabal, masonic order and so on.

The so-called dark truths are that all the systems we are accustomed to be living by on the Earth have been controlled by these dark individuals and groups to basically bring a sinister or satanic rule for humanity. By Creator’s Will this will no longer be allowed as the elite families have broken the Free Will rules which have permitted these situations to take place.

For Segment 2, we will begin to focus on various key events that have happened recently which define what this undeclared war on consciousness is about, so the viewers of this video series can learn what the war is all about (who is fighting this war and the objectives of each side and how they intend to win this war …) plus how we will achieve a time of total peace on our Earth within the next 15 years as a result of this conflict.

Thus, for Part 5 (Section 3), we will continue to review (from Segment 2, Part 4) various events that took place within 2023 starting from May 25th through June 11th. Some of these events you will have heard about as the major media covered it but at times Joshua offers an alternative view (from the perspective of the White Hats and Alliance) why this event did occur. He will discuss some key events which the Major Media intentionally does not want you to know about at all as well. This sharing is done in a chronological order. We say that starting in May, these events around the world start to become quite intense and even only speaking about 3 weeks worth of these 2023 events, takes Joshua almost 2 hours.

The second part of this video offers two short reports, the first featuring Tucker Carlson, who since he was fired from Fox News in April, on June 6th he begins his first news report on his show, Tucker on Twitter (which is now called “X”) where he discusses the hydroelectric dam destroyed in the Ukraine and the information revealed about UFO Disclosure publicly by U.S. intelligence officer, David Grusch, who we mentioned in a previous Part of Segment 2. The second report comes from a person on telegram, MJ_innocent who discusses the status of the Russian-Ukraine war this summer and a fake alien invasion the Elite want to orchestrate using an advanced tech call Project Blue Beam.

Finally via the periodic so-called Break slides and at the very end of this video, Joshua shares various memes, articles and a video he has collected from channels he follows on telegram that will discuss: Operation High Jump; Planes with energy beam weapons to cause wildfires, how the orange color sky hit NYC on June 7th, about Mel Gibsons new films, Tesla electrical car that used the air, how Google hides information via their search engine, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. comment on gold, Major General saw missile hit Pentagon on 9-11, copy of FD-1023 document showing Biden’s bribe as VP and a movie which proves the Mandela Effect.

** Joshua ** has been involved in his own spiritual awakening since his early twenties, starting in 1980 when he began to study and join spiritual groups in Chicago, his city of birth. This led him to travel on faith in 1981 to and throughout California with further travels in other parts of the U.S. to gather near information and for his spiritual learning. This resulted in the creation of his 1st book in 1982 entitled, “Journeys of an Aquarian Age Networker”. Since that time, he has self published other books on Crystal Skulls, UFOs, Sasquatch and Spiritual Philosophies; traveled all over the world giving public presentations and doing personal investigations, been a guest on numerous TV and on-line shows and organized a few conferences.

In late January of this year, 2023, he received a message while lying in bed, “2023 is the year when the full truth will be revealed!!” which is his inspiration to do this video series (which start March 15th, 2023) as well as, has been sharing key informational posts since February (2023) on Facebook and to two of his on-line newsletter members.




Rumble Video Channel: https://rumble.com/c/c-1617742

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/Center4AdvofHumanity

Center Overview Webpage:

Center Email: center4advancementofhumanity@gmail.com

Segment 1 and Segment 2, Part 1-4 along with the *Break* of this Video Series:









Website: www.cse.crystalskullexplorers.com
Email: crystalskullexplorers@gmail.com

Free E-books by Joshua (PDF):

Crystal Skulls, Journey of the Crystal Skull Explorers
(the Free E-book - updated 2023)

Are We Living in a Computer Simulation? (Updated 2023)

Messages from rJis (includes Joshua's two special inner experiences … updated 2023)

High Level Overview: What is Happening in our World (2023)
(This e-book has been fully rewritten and covers up to events happening in our world through July 2023, especially what is happening behind the scenes, it includes some special information added that can’t fully discuss but can explain everything that has ever happened to you in your life ... )

Tartaria – Is it True or Not? (updated 2023)

Flat Earth – Believe It or Not (slight update 2023, content the same)
(Title of the free e-book, "Journey into the World of Flat Earth,
see the next free e-book which has extra info not in this e-book)

2023: The Year the Full Truth begins to be Revealed, Part I
(new free e-book, based on posts made to FB account from late January through early May of 2023, a compressed version discussing Tartaria and Flat Earth, has some sections on Flat Earth not covered by other free e-book)

James W. Lee – “Nothing is True, Everything is a Lie”

MJ12 – (UFO Disclosure, They answer various Questions)



Shahiroz Walji (video production, logo design & background video):
Metaphysicalhub.com / Shahiroz.ca

Sleeping Ghost (music via Slip.stream):
The song we used is called “Through the Leaves” https://slip.stream/tracks/482c3f50-2bc9-4301-b418-c27b88360446
Sleeping Ghost is going to take you on a travel through time and space in music.

Tools used for this Video: Zoom / VideoProc Vlogger / Slip.stream /
Libre Office / Microsoft Powerpoint 2003



Telegram Contact of Individuals by their Telegram Name/Channel

@BenjaminFulfordJ (directed energy beam weapons
@CaptKylePatriots (source of various memes in this video)
@WHGrandpa (the orange color sky in NYC
Q The Storm Rider (Comments war on Ukraine)
Mel Gibson (https://t.me/mel-gibsonchannel) {about his new films}
T.C. Hawkins (share video on Mandela Effect)
@MJ_Innocent (Michael Jackson) {Conditions of our World)
https://t.me/+IA3QcYIUyXg5MDU0 (article on Telsa electrical car via air)
@redpillbՓt (post about Google holding info)
Florence of Arabia (article about Robert Kennedy Jr. back $ by gold)
Johnny Midnight (Major General Stubblebine comment on Pentagon 9-11 hit)


Tucker Carlson (his new show on Twitter now known as X)

twitter/X channel: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson
twitter/X address: @TuckerCarlson
Tucker on Twitter, Episode 1 (June 6th):


Other Sources (Website Articles and other Social Media sites)

Stillness in the Storm: (Article about Operation High Jump, Adm. Byrd, Antartica)
Real Raw News: (Article by Michael Baxter about action by White Hats)
President Trump – Truth Social: (Response to Indictment on June 8th)
@rachangel71 on TikTok: (image of NYC & Quebec on June 7th)
Free Thinker Article: https://twitter.com/l42022425/status/1681096236097470467?s=12&t=W0c_YnawH1HJ6oomt0mfxQ


FBI Document FD-1023 (unclassified, shows bribes to Biden Family, Burisma)
(The document below was released in July by Congressman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) to the general public, he got it through freedom of information act, I obtained this copy in a pdf format from the Fox News website. Now you know why the FBI didn’t want us to see it!)

Document Link:

Video Proof of Mandela Effect (video of book in private home)
(This short video was posted on Telegram and copies of it were sent out by T. C. Hawkin. What it shows is a man has in his home a copy of a Berenstain Bears children book. However, he has placed on the walls before his bedroom a drawing of a woman on one wall and a very distinct and unusual geometric pattern on another wall. When he takes this book into his bedroom, the title magically changes to Berenstein Bears, which many people remember when the books 1st came
out {since 1962}.)



Please remember, if you sign up for membership on the Center’s Rumble Channel, you will receive an email when we share a new video like when Segment 2 is ready. Also please feel free to join our Telegram channel as well where we will be continuing to share key updates and news ...

Have an amazing 2023 filled with wonders and until next time, keep making your dreams your reality – a future time of peace! …

Joshua Shapiro, August 10th, 2023
a crystal skull & paranormal explorer
co-founder for The Center for the Advancement of Humanity

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