Attaining Optimal Health in the 21st Century (5 of 7)

1 year ago

Time Stamp: Topic:
1:40 - (Less-bad) Ice Cream David used to eat; Howler Organic Gelato
3:29 - Controversy of vaccines – the LACK of research/studies that they are safe
7:25 - Do vaccines do what they claim to do? No true placebo test group
12:33 - Polio death rate chart (US and Britain), before and after vaccine
15:46 - Measles death rate chart (US and Britain), measles decreased 95% before the vaccine
16:18 - Childhood diseases lifetime immunity
19:40 - Do vaccines protect against measles, polio?
20:24 - 87% of all polio cases were caused by the polio vaccine, CDC figures from 1973-1983
21:05 - Now 100% of cases of polio are from the polio vaccine, the CDC admits this
24:39 - Pertussis and whooping cough were decreased 75% BEFORE the vaccine
27:10 - SIDS happens after the pertussis vaccine
29:07 - Australian statistics
35:16 - If you decide to vaccinate your child…
41:00 - Dosage for vitamin A & C for a child if you vaccinate them
43:48 - Adult vaccination
49:53 - Vaccine injury compensation program
56:12 - Hep B for infants
1:01:33 - Diseases following vaccinations
1:08:50 - The law/Health & safety code in California (Now antiquated info as this is an older recording)
1:26:10 - Recommended books on the false safety of vaccines
1:27:45 - Vaccines cause health issues for cats and dogs
1:29:40 - What Vets don’t tell you about vaccines - recommended book
1:34:30 - Video: Vaccines: The Other Side of the Story. Includes info on injury and death
1:55:04 - Questions to consider before you vaccinate
2:04:23 - Subject changes to cooking, cooking utensils, Teflon
2:04:45 - The hazards of microwave ovens
2:13:38 - What products does David cook with
2:20:23 - Q & A: Gulf Storm Syndrome
2:24:27 - NOSODES as an alternative to vaccination
2:26:18 - Cast iron pots for cooking

My 30 hour course has often been referred to by the people who have taken it one or more times, as the most important course of their life and it contains information including, the following:

Why low fat diets can be extremely dangerous.

Should we eat beef, poultry, eggs & fish, or be vegetarian, and why.

The problems with vegetarian diets.

The truth about dairy products.

Good vs bad fats and oils.

Why coconut oil & butter are good but margarines, corn oil and soybean oils are bad.

The truth about soy products.

The top three causes of death are all related to diet so how do we prevent them or reduce our risks.

Do headaches, dandruff, eczema, asthma, ADD, and other conditions respond to nutritional interventions? YES!

Why vitamins and other supplements have become necessary for good health.

Which vitamins should we take and can any be harmful.

How about herbs?

The role of Anti-oxidants and what are they anyway?
Why you need minerals and why they should not be colloidal.

Is salt good or bad?

Are eggs good or bad?

Is organic really better?

Learn about products like flax seed oil, cod liver oil, Aloe Vera, Pycnogenol, DHEA, CMO, OPC’s, Melatonin, “green foods”, and more.

Learn the truth about vaccinations (do they immunize?).

What are the best forms of exercise?

Are cancer and other degenerative diseases preventable?

What is homeopathy and does it work?

Are your silver fillings silently destroying your health?

Why an aspirin a day may do more harm than good.

Why the media’s reports on nutrition always contradict each other and why most doctors will never learn the facts about nutrition.

The effects of light & sun on our health.

What are the problems with our current cancer research and treatments?

A brief look at non-traditional cancer treatments and other types of alternative therapies and practitioners.

To find many of the supplements that David recommended to his patients, sign up for FullScript ( and get a 20% discount plus free shipping for orders over $50 (in the U.S.). Under “Catalog” go to “David Getoff Supplements” or “Getoff Comparable Supplements”.

David Getoff is a Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist, a Board Certified Traditional Naturopath, and an elected member of both the International College of Integrative Medicine and the American College of Nutrition. David is a Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine and is an approved provider for the California Board of Registered Nursing. He is also the Vice President of the 60 year old Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation,

David has produced over a dozen educational videos on topics ranging from cancer, heart disease, detoxification, and diabetes to seasoning foods and making healthy salad dressings. He has been teaching this health course, which he developed, for over 20 years.

David has given lectures at medical nutritional, and dental conferences, as well as organic farming conferences across the US.

He is the author of Abundant Health in a Toxic World, co-author of Reducing Blood Pressure Naturally, and has been a paid expert witness in the field of clinical nutrition.

David has added articles, MP3’s, and other information that he feels the learner would benefit from receiving that can be found on his website:

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