Eternal Inheritance Session 3

1 year ago

This is the third of five messages Pastor Doug Riggs gave in his interviews with GeorgeAnn Hughes in her podcast, The ByteShow, in September-October 2010.
Here are my notes:
o “Christ is our inheritance; but Christ fully formed in the saints is God’s inheritance in the saints.”
o “God obtaining the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the us is sandwiched right in between our obtaining our inheritance in Christ.”
o Doug quoted this to us many times over the years what he learned in a theology class: “The decree of God – that is His eternal purpose – is His holy, wise and sovereign purpose comprehending at once – that is, simultaneously and eternally – all things that ever were or will be as to their causes, courses, conditions, and relations, as the high and lofty One who inhabits eternity determines their certain futurition.” In spite of the angels and mankind having the freedom to make choices, it is God who ultimately determines the outcome of those choices.
o “To be set apart – to be conformed to the image of Christ – in every aspect of our being, that is the whole goal of experiential sanctification in this life.”
o The Old Testament gives us the meaning, explanation, interpretation and the understanding of our inheritance in Christ and its significance to us, as well as God’s inheritance in His saints.
o Doug exhorts anyone thinking we should be hunting for Nephilim to do battle with them need to think again. Our battle is not with flesh and blood (including hybrids), and our weapons are not carnal (i.e.: earthly). “We’re dealing with the high-ranking principalities who are opposed to the church attaining the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ and possessing their inheritance in Christ.”
o God is “looking for people in this generation to be a Joshua and Caleb” – the only two from the countless people delivered from Egypt who followed the Lord fully and were able to possess their inheritance, who didn’t fall short and die in the wilderness.
o For those who use translations that say we are a ‘peculiar’ people, the correct term is ‘special treasure’ as possessed by a king – ‘the King’s private treasure’ – we are God’s treasured inheritance. To use ‘peculiar’ in today’s vocabulary is to say we are strange or weird. That’s not the correct understanding.
o God brought Israel out of Egypt so that He might bring them in to the land of the inheritance; God brings us out of the world so that He might bring us into the unsearchable riches in Christ.
o “How many of us are satisfied today as Christians? Are we pressing for the mark of the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus like we see Paul? Paul has the spirit of Joshua and Caleb. Are we in pursuit of Christ like Paul was?”
o “If we’re going to ‘grow up into Christ with reference to all things’, then we have to dispossess principalities and powers – and that is a corporate thing… corporate relatedness.”
o “Consecration, being set apart to God and His purpose, being loyal to Him – consecration, dedication to God is necessary in order to possess one’s inheritance.”
o “We stand into the very righteousness of Christ and take possession of our inheritance by dispossessing the enemy.”
o “As we press in to gain our inheritance in Christ, that is giving God the opportunity to obtain the riches of the glory of His inheritance in us.”

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