Eliminate Trigger Points In The Supraspinatus

1 year ago

The first thing you want to do is locate the muscle, which is right behind the upper traps, between the clavicle and the scapula.

From here, use a small ball or a massage cane to apply static pressure to the most tender spot within the muscle. Just make sure to focus on breathing so that the trigger point releases.

You can also perform some micro movements by moving back and forth and side to side on that one tender spot to help the blood flow.

The final technique you can try is a pin and stretch. Pin down the most tender spot while the muscle is contracted. Now from here, slowly stretch the muscle out as the tender spot is pinned. This will help increase the range of motion of the muscle.

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#selfmassage #posture

Even though I am a professional this is still not medical advice. The content is intended to be educational only. If you are a patient, seek care from a health care professional.

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