528hz frequency DNA healer, love giver

1 year ago

If you're worried about listening to music which may have been modified... Here is a video I made just the 528hz cylinder. I hope the sound is good, as I am not using a studio, and I'm not a gong master. My intention is that this reaches and generates absolute healing only to all who need and deserve it, with absolutely zero resistance.

The word on the street is that the 528hertz frequency heals DNA, and heals the body, and just heals.. Also I've seen anecdotes about it being the love frequency, which makes sense, because to love is to care for another as if it were you. This may or may not be true, just like anything else. What I do know is that it sounds pretty and peaceful to me anyway.

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My suggestion is to play this on repeat, perhaps in the background. You can also place your water near the speakers and let your water or drink take in the sound. As a reminder, our bodies are supposedly mostly made of water....

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