Jeep Gives Poorly Parked BMW Push In The Right Direction

7 years ago

Cars bring out the worst in us. We are so impatient to reach point B that we absolutely hate the way to get there. We’re twitchy and angry at anyone standing in our way. The roads are too crowded, the cars are too slow, the red light is too long and apparently everyone forgot how to drive during those 10 minutes of your ride.

If we think that traffic is bad, just you wait until you see the parking lot. Parking lots were designed by the devil! The white grids that tell us where we should park are triggering an irresistible desire to rant about the people that parked in the middle of the line. Seriously, ‘though, there are two lines and a slot in between, it doesn’t get clearer than that. We guess that this driver shared the sentiment because what he did satisfied our anger just a bit.

Instant karma is always beautiful to witness, especially when it involves an expensive BMW that was lazily parked outside the lines. This Jeep knows exactly how to fix the situation, and justice is delivered! The big vehicle gets on the side of the BMW and slowly starts to push it with the front of the car. The BMW glides to the right and is placed in its correct space. Next time, the driver will make sure they park inside the lines.

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