Rise Conference September 2023

1 year ago

I invite you to our annual conference, to be held over the weekend of the 15th - 17th of September.

I am really excited about this weekend of meetings. I have felt the theme of the meetings to be - ‘RISE’…..

We are living in such momentous days, and the times require us to rise up out of apathy, anxiety, and weariness and begin to build the Kingdom of Christ. It is a moment to hear His voice afresh, receive new strength, and a fresh anointing for the task before us. We need to rise up into our identity in Christ, and as sons be about our Father's business.

Nehemiah, used these words to inspire the returned Jews, concerning the rebuilding of the wall around the city - “And I told them of the hand of my God which had been good upon me, and also of the king's words that he had spoken to me. So they said, "Let us rise up and build." Then they set their hands to this good work” (Neh.2:18 NKJV).

His good hand is upon us, the words of the King echo in our ears, and all that is required is for us to RISE and set our hands to this good work!

My good friend, Prophet Bobby Leger from the U.S.A. is with us for that weekend. Bobby is a powerful Word preacher, with an accurate prophetic gift. Healings and miracles accompany his ministry. Prophet Bobby is motivated by love for God’s people and always makes a fresh impact on lives.

Bobby will also be with us the following Sunday the 24th of September.

Jarrod Cooper, another wonderful friend resides in the U.K. Jarrod is a man moved by revival. His ministry is called REVIVE. He too is gifted prophetically, a brilliant communicator, and strong in leadership development. He will do the bulk of the ministry over those three days.

There is no registration fee, but please register on our website for catering purposes.

I am looking forward to hosting you at our RISE Conference.

Conference Times.
Friday 15 September 2023 @ 7 pm
Saturday 16 September 2023 @ 9:30 am
Saturday 16 September 2023 @ 6 pm
Sunday 17 September 2023 @ 9 am

Register online: http://acf.org.za/rise2023/

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