Coming 7/6/2023

1 year ago

Coming to the Sermons In The Park Podcast
Author of the Davidic Chronicles
Greg S. Baker

From his own Website:

Born in 1975, Greg grew up in Arizona as the first of two sons of a wonderful Christian couple. Raised in church all his life, he has a strong Christian background, going so far as to eventually desire going into the ministry.

As a child, he fell in love with reading. Having read every Hardy Boy book possible, he extended his interests into biography, fantasy, and science fiction. It is the latter two genres that sparked his interest in writing. Amazed at the wonderous worlds that authors could create, his own imagination was set afire.

In his freshmen year of high school, Greg put pen to paper (rather keyboard to computer screen) and began writing his first novel. Joined by a high school friend, they spent three years in its creation between church, soccer, chess, and all the other experiences of growing up. Happy with the final draft, they sent it to Del-Rey publishers with all the bubbling hope and enthusiasm of first time authors. Months later, they received a very nicely worded rejection letter.

With his ambition of becoming a world famous author squashed by a combination of immature writing skills and big business publishing, Greg turned his thoughts else where in his senior year of high school. He went off to Bible college and prepared to pastor. There, he met and married the love of his life, Liberty. He now has four wonderful boys of his own and taken two other boys, twins, into his home–becoming like sons to him.

Greg pastored a Baptist church in Colorado for thirteen years. During that time, he never lost his interest in writing. He wrote prolifically for several Christian publications and for his own personal pleasure. Eventually, he wrote Fitly Spoken, a book about communication and social skill from a Christian viewpoint. He wrote it based on a series of Bible studies he taught in his church. On a lark, he sent it a publisher and they picked it up!

Fitly Spoken was his first published work. His second published work was Restoring a Fallen Christian. Both works were published traditionally.

But it wasn’t until he wrote and self-published the biblical fiction series, The Davidic Chronicles, that he began to make a name for himself in the writing world. The series, based on the life of King David, has been very popular.

Greg stepped down from pastoring in 2013 as God led him to begin focusing on expanding the Kingdom of God within the kingdom of men through literature. And to that end, he started an editing business for Christian authors and continues to write and publish books.

He loves sports, chess, being a husband, and being a dad. He currently lives in Arizona.

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