How Do We Really Learn?

1 year ago

This excerpt will give you a good idea of this video's flow ( see the full notes below):
“What IS learning? We allow something inside us because something within us, the receptor within our soul, exerts a magnetic pull.”
9.30 How does that apply to a piece of information: we have a ‘something’ inside us and there is a ‘something’ outside us, that fits, and it’s a negative/positive pole, so it pulls in and we get it, inside us.” Describing the learning process from the state of yearning in the soul, some kind of question…..
10.01 That’s what passion is: “a flow of energy from a question.”

How to Expand Beyond Limitation- when you want to live in a world of goodness and love but fear holds you back from every direction. Now is the time to take back our Sovereign Integral- be Human Beings who create with our Source-Energy, the infinite power of our Creator, stepping beyond every imposed limitation. If we do not, we will be forever bound. If we do, we give ourselves the lives we dreamed we should always have: freedom of choice, of movement of speech, of belief.
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Explaining getting in the mode of intense receiving
1.17 “Today is all about Learning”.
2.40 Explaining “The Prepared Environment” Rebeca & Mauricio Wild, The Pestalozzi School, Ecuador
4.30 The way we have currently been learning…The Covering of Information - layers of wallpaper, rote learning, “becoming our exoskeleton for coping with the ways of the world…. You won’t even know its artificial, because you wont be able to feel it anymore!”
6.30 The Tree of Knowledge, Maturana and Varela- influencing Rebeca and Mauricio Wild, the cell as an analogy for a human being learning.
7.30 Referring to Dr Bryan Ardis’ Snake venom tobacco receptor model for the covid delivery.
8.50 “What IS learning? We allow something inside us because something within us, the receptor within our soul, exerts a magnetic pull.”
9.30 How does that apply to a piece of information: we have a ‘something’ inside us and there is a ‘something’ outside us, that fits, and it’s a negative/positive pole, so it pulls in and we get it, inside us.” Describing the learning process from the state of yearning in the soul, some kind of question…..
10.01 That’s what passion is: “a flow of energy from a question.”
1015 “The reason synchronicity works is, it pulls things from the outer environment. It’s all energy, as you know, however, it’s pulling in this, this this and this because they correspond to that particular passion within us, which is the receptor site.”
10.30 “So true learning is when an outside thing, an external thing, comes in as the result of ‘the call’, and you allow it in. And once it’s in, what happens? it is then a part of you, and you grow. You’ve now got a new thing inside you, a new piece of information- it might just be a little ‘quanta’, it might be an entire encyclopaedia, but you have brought it into your system, and you have integrated it.”
11.01 Integration: “Sovereign integral” ( the Wing-makers phrase ) feel what that does to you on hearing it. It means YOU are the one controlling what comes into you.

11.20 The snake-venom ruses: ‘they’ have been plastering us with programmes- the first kind of learning, and then not content with that, because we are too powerful as beautiful spirits and beings, they had to find a way of ‘puncturing’ us.”we’ve got to get into their system, into that auric field, into that spiritual toroid! How can we do it? ha! We are going to create some tricks: trick their mind to say, ‘yeah, this is great, this is fine, let it in!’ ”
12.00 We still had to say ‘yes’ to that injection…. however, because of all the programmes of goo on the outside, all the layering of wallpaper, the programmes, the armour, of the old system of learning conditioning- all these people were saying, ‘yes, that must be a good thing, because it corresponds with all my layers of wallpaper on the outside of my toroid field.’
12.30 And it did- it did correspond, however, it did not correspond to what was in here (holding my hand on my heart.). Many people have lost that ability to hear that, however, we haven’t, have we?No! We have hearts and souls and they are very, very active.”
12.45 “So we must be the leaders in this: we need to build structures, so that our children don’t have to have layers of crappy wallpaper pasted onto their beautiful energy bodies any more.
13.00 They need to have anew system: the prepared environment, full of riches, abundance- and most of that will be natural. When you have natural organic structures, you have the playing-field of the universe, because you can put two things together, and it will never be the same.”

13.20 Imagine if you have two custom-built computers? Other than a few tiny, tiny micro-particles of difference, they are going to be the same. However, pick up two pine cones, - auric fields of God, right, - put energy, Source-creator: two different pine-cones- different, yippee-yay!’
13.40 “that’s why, if you put a child, if you out an adult into a prepared environment for learning, and you give them natural things, they will pick up what they need to pick up.”
14.00 All my work on schools and learning and education is about how you prepare an environment for a child to jungle into, swim through and get from it what they need.
14.10 It’s not having teachers saying, “this is wrong, this is right- do this, do that”. No, that’s the old system.
14.20 and in the same way for us beautiful adults who are repairing, regenerating, remembering, ourselves, getting to know the full sphere of our soul essences again: it’s the same thing. What is, ‘the prepared environment’? It’s things like this: these videos that I keep putting out there. - My friends like this- who have other content, of high resonance of clarity, direct from Source-Energy: that’s what you want, the prepared environment. You go, you turn it on, you listen, “oooh, ooh, I feel something! it resonated, let find out more about that.” That’s learning.
14.56 I get very excited about it because this is the natural growth process of human beings: learning.
15.03 The sound of the word sing very nice (no surprises there…) - “encompassing” would be nicer.
15.20 I have written about the different types of learning ( From Duty to Joy: the handbook of children’s 5-D learning )- entrainment was the phrase I preferred: “resonance entrainment”. You have a resonance of entrainment according to your soul full pattern- your unique signature fo Source Energy- encapsulated within your physical body, or at least partly ‘sewn-in’. And this beautiful body, your unique form, has wishes and desires; and that is the soul saying “I want this, i want that! I am excited by this, I am excited by that!”
16.00 Describing how the prepared environment and this true form of learning works in a room full of people.
16.50 The limitations of our current online learning: where one person speaks and the others have to sit there and wait, - it’s kind of boring and stupid. really, we need interactive learning: in-person ‘stuff’. - it’s so thrilling and delicious to be in the presence of someone you are excited by.
17.30 For a child, for an adult, whatever they are learning, an environment which is supporting that, bringing in its riches, so that you can go and find out- you can converse with a human if you want to, open books, go online or have physical, tangible experience- based upon ‘free access to choose to find the piece of information you are seeking. “I have the ability to find it, because my environment is so richly structured that I can find it. If I can’t find it completely, I can find the next key to the next piece. ( And I write all about experimental play in my books)
18.12 I recall an example where I was looking for a particular source for my PhD concluding findings.
20.40 We are taught that learning has to be a kind of torture…being stuck inside in the beautiful weather and when the holiday finally arrive the weather is terrible….
21.08 Imagine a world when it is sunny we can go outside into nature and experiment and get the vitamin d and take our experiments outside and we can be messy outside…..
21.34 We need completely different places of education and Ive been writing about them for decades in my Milo & Teal Zog books, radio shows, Ive been writing and thinking about this for decades.- please read my books! Why have I not been seen and heard before because no-one was ready for it , but now they are. Because we realise everything is upside down inside out. It is time. We need it out there.
23.00 Contact me and be prepared to have a live chat with me on a video- we need to share this.

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