Astrology for the Soul August 9, 2023

1 year ago

My real work while here on earth,
Is not only to express all that I am.
But to allow and accept, aye, even support,
Those others I just can't understand.

Let's get together LIVE! Join me in Spain, the Bahamas, Florida, Bali, or points beyond in the months ahead. Blending astrology with other spiritual disciplines, I present several retreats that can be big game changers if you're ready, willing, and able to make that breakthrough. I hope to see you! Check out what's happening and register today! 

As the thumbnail and closing demonstrate, "We're all just chickens here!" Let's face it. This is a crazy planet with a lot of crazy people. Everybody's wounded after lifetimes of madness, and the madness shows no sign of going away. And yet, this is where we find ourselves on a soul journey toward an enlightened state which includes a loving, open heart. So whatcha gonna do?

Well, the astrology of this month suggests that you let not only yourself but also others off the hook. Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying to lay down, be silent, get run over, or be thrown under the bus without resistance. "Support" is a big word that also includes calling a spade a spade, giving feedback, speaking your needs and your truth to someone who needs clarification, and confrontation when boundaries are not honored.

So much lies in the means more than an end and the manner and intention behind words spoken and actions taken. Gentleness is a keyword here, along with calm, possibly stern, but smooth and soft would be nicer! One day we shall live in peace and harmony, and each day we practice loving, gentle kindness, we'll be one day closer to getting there. Don't forget to start with yourself!

And here I can practice what I preach, as I have loved and played Neil Young songs for years. Indeed, Down By the River was the first song I learned on the guitar. Loved him. Then he comes out and wants to censor Joe Rogan on Spotify! What a jaw-dropper! What to do? Cancel him and never listen to him again? No, I'm going to accept that he is wounded in some way and unable to "see the light" of what's really going on, and still suggest his song for this week...

Only Love Can Break Your Heart: 

So Much Love,

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