Loving German Shepherd Watches Over His Little Ducklings

7 years ago

An adorable video has emerged featuring the special bond between a German Shepherd and newborn dwarf quails. Watch as he preciously watches over these newborn dwarf quails in this precious clip. Talk about an unlikely animal friendship!

Thorin the German Shepherd simply loves hanging out with ducklings, and he lovingly watches over his feathered friends. In this clip, we witness the true maternal instinct this caring pooch displays over a flock of baby ducklings. Cuteness overload!

Unfortunately these newborn quails don't have their mother around, but it looks like they don't have to worry about any enemies with Thorin the German Shepherd looking after them! These cute little guys have grown quite fond of Thorin, as he has to them. Watch as they climb Thorin and play with one another while Thorin chills out. The gentle giant even gets in on some the action, using his snout to play with them and help them climb onto him.

These unlikely friends are enjoying their glorious time with one another. So cute! You can only imagine what could happen when these little newborn quails grow up. Picture a bunch of full born quails just playing and following Thorin around the house. Now that would be something!

Pets tend to form an amazing bond with not just their owner, but the other pets in the family as well. Here is the proof of that. What a cute pairing. You can tell that they're all going to be best friends forever. Check out the adorable moment when a dog lovingly embraces a flock of tiny ducklings. What a special bond captured on camera!

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