Amazing Arm Lift And Tummy Tuck! | Barrett Plastic Surgery

1 year ago

Even when you’ve shed the unwanted pounds, it can be difficult to restore your body to its original state. The abdomen can be particularly challenging, since stretching those underlying muscles can make it nearly impossible to eliminate the resulting bulge and thus achieve a flat, smooth contour once again. The solution? Tummy Tuck can reverse the effects of weight gain and time. Procedures like abdominoplasty tighten the abdomen inside and out, producing or returning you a more active body shape. Different factors, including aging, weight fluctuations and sun exposure, can lead to significant changes to the upper arm over time. As the skin becomes lax and begins to hang down underneath the upper arms, a “bat wing” look can start to develop. Particularly common in women, these changes can make them feel self-conscious in sleeveless garments and bathing suits. Surgical correction is usually needed to reverse the “bat wing” effect and restore a smoother, more sculpted contour to the upper arm.

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Barrett Plastic Surgery
Located in Beverly Hills CA

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