Supplies donated by a Chinese actress were piled up in the warehouse instead of being delivered

1 year ago

8/8/2023 A video captured by a Chinese netizen reveals that the supplies donated by renowned actress Zhao Liying to the disaster-stricken area in Hebei were not delivered to the victims but instead piled up in factory buildings. The netizen is deeply concerned about this and couldn’t help wondering: What on earth is the reason behind this situation?
#hebei #flooddischarge #flooddisaster #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
8/8/2023 中国网友拍摄的视频显示,知名女演员赵丽颖捐赠给河北灾区的物资并没有被送到灾民手中,却堆满在大厂房。网友为此很心急,敢情这到底是为什么?
#河北 #泄洪 #洪灾 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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