PRIDE Goeth Before the Fall

1 year ago

Pride Goeth Before the Fall (of course I’m quoting Proverbs 16:18)

If we celebrate Martin Luther King's great achievements for equality over one DAY, why does Pride get an entire MONTH?

In June 1999, U.S. President Bill Clinton declared "the anniversary of [the] Stonewall [riots] every June in America as Gay and Lesbian Pride Month".[10] In 2011, Obama expanded Pride Month to include the whole of the LGBT community. In 2017, Donald Trump declined to continue federal recognition but later recognized it in 2019 in a Tweet. After taking office in 2021, Joe Biden recognized Pride Month and vowed to push for LGBT rights in the United States, despite previously voting against same-sex marriage and school education of LGBT topics in the Senate.

Where I get concerned is what gets pushed into schools under the guise of education is actually INDOCTRINATION. It includes pushing literal pornographic materials into school libraries and adult entertainment with kids in public libraries! See rainbow dildo monkey,

See chelsea clinton promoting “Gender Queer”

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