Article Video - The Role of the Federation - Saturday, July 29, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - The Role of the Federation - Saturday, July 29, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

In answer to continuing questions about the role and powers of our Federation of States.
1. The Federation of States is not the Federal Government. The Federation is what the Federal Government was named after. The Federation of States is an instrumentality of all Fifty States which allows them to act together for their mutual benefit.

Imagine that you are one of fifty dairy farmers and you get together to build a creamery to process your milk and turn it into various products ready for market. By analogy, each State is a Dairy Farmer, and the Federation is the Creamery.

2. Many new people coming into Assemblies react as if the Federation is the evil and mostly hated Federal Government and try to push back against its authority. This is a gross misunderstanding on their part and needs to be nipped in the bud.

Imagine that you are one of fifty would-be bakers, and you want to make chocolate chip cookies. Imagine that while you all have a good idea of what a chocolate chip cookie looks like, none of you have a recipe.

So all fifty of you set out to experiment with various ingredients trying to work out a recipe for chocolate chip cookies and only God knows what you come up with. Or how many times you try and fail.

This is what would happen to the State Assemblies, if there was no common template and structure--- no recipe--- imposed upon them from outside each group and no Summoning Authority to guide the process.

The State Assembly in Nebraska might be very different in form and function from the State Assembly established in Rhode Island, which would lead to unequal and unpredictable services being available or unavailable to the people living in each State of the Union.

Some States might, in such a situation, not have a State Militia or a State Court System, some State Assemblies might meet once a year or once every ten years and do relatively nothing to serve the needs of a State Government.

If it were left to "chance and druthers" it might not be possible to identify and describe what a State Assembly is, just as fifty different interpretations of "chocolate chip cookie" would result from random experimentation.

To prevent this chaos and establish a reasonable semblance of similar structures and similar services provided by the institutions we call "State Assemblies", those Summoning Powers entrusted with the power to call the State Assemblies into Session, are also empowered to make sure the State Assemblies are properly organized and seated.

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