Burping Compilation June 2023 #5 | RBC

1 year ago

Opening music: https://youtu.be/GNVQSwQoDk4
Ending music: https://youtu.be/lwGosPlZs-I
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raphaparola/
Quem quiser, ajude o meu canal/Who wants, help my channel:
Doar/Donate: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=D5U7PP9SDT7ZG
Doar via PIX: 2e839dd1-1f54-4d7f-8017-bdaee664963b
Valeu Demais/Super Thanks: https://youtu.be/LPWJKw5A0QA

PORT: Apresentando pra vocês, a "Burping Compilation June 2023 #5".
Mais uma compilação desse mês pra vocês, e novamente agradecendo a todas as garotas que participaram, principalmente a Evereigh, do Instagram, que
graças aos vídeos que ela me enviou, sim, ela continuará aparecendo em muitas outras, aguardem.
Todas as garotas que aparecem no vídeo estão nos créditos do final dele, aparecem garotas daqui mesmo, do Instagram e do Tik Tok
Enfim, espero que vocês gostem. :)
ENGL: Introducing to you, the "Burping Compilation June 2023 #5".
Another compilation this month for you, and again thanks to all the girls who participated, especially Evereigh, from Instagram, who thanks to the videos she sent me, yes, she will continue to appear in many others, stay tuned.
All the girls that appear in the video are in the credits at the end of it, girls from Youtube, Instagram and Tik Tok appear.
Anyway, I hope you like it. :)

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