Unvax'd Canadians Cannot Get Organ Transplants, But Only Unvax'd Canadians Can Donate Organs.

1 year ago

Unvax'd Canadians Cannot Get Organ Transplants, But Only Unvax'd Canadians Can Donate Organs.

If you refused to get any of the fake vaccines for the fake pandemic in this country and I am referring to communist Canada, then you are ineligible to receive an organ transplant.

The Canadian government is now in the wholesale murder game and yet, we, the Intelligentsia of the land who chose health over death are now being encouraged harshly to donate our organs to those who did get the fake vaccines.

After all of the profanity and violence that I had to endure from people that wore masks and got needles they didn't need, I'm telling you all right now I will never donate an organ of mine to anybody who was stupid enough to go and get that vaccine. I did jail time warning you that you were going to be killed by the Canadian government and you ignored me. If you need my blood or my organs, you can enter the same Oblivion that you were wishing for me.

#Organs #organtransplant #surgery #vax #vaccine #Canada #Canadiangovernment #Canadian #YYC #Hospital #surgery #organdonor #organdonorcard #Toronto #Ontario #Alberta #murder #sanctioned #murder #denial #Medical #doctor #medicaldoctor #nurse

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