EXCLUSIVE: PART 2, Final - Shocking Revelations: Full Interview. “DNA IS IN THE VACCINES.”

1 year ago

40 TRILLION spikes in every C19 injection, according to Dr. Chris Shoemaker, and four other colleague’s findings, DR. KEVIN MCKERNAN, Dr. Jessica Rose, Dr. Paul Alexander, DR. SASHA LATYPOVA.

People who took the VAX could be “completely infertile in the next 5 years”…“They were controlled by the US Department of Defence.”

“The people who were controlling the elease of the shots wanted to see how different levels of DNA or RNA within it would be handled” by the people who took the shots.”

“DNA is in us (Vaccinated) and DNA can keep making RNA and spikes for another decade.”

“It’s not just the vaccinated that are at risk - “the DNA in there is what is making it dangerous to every human on the planet as we speak…”

“Myocarditis has an established death rate of 50% after 5 years and 75% after 10 years. Some studies have shown that the vaccine has caused 20% of people developing Myocarditis. “The vaccine is what’s causing Myocarditis.”

“Germany has an 86% rise in all cause mortality compared to normal”.

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