I Am Jazz's Waking Nightmare: Speaker for the Led (Remastered Audio - 3rd Upload)

1 year ago

Thank you all for your patience! This version fixes the initial mono audio problem as well as the problem created in trying to fix the original audio problem.

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Ex Aisle on Youtube



Ari smiles the painted smile of ages while her eyes scream for mercy. Jazz trades his own voice to be the mouthpiece for all the bullied and depressed trans kids he can't relate to since he had such a supportive upbringing. The ghost writer of I Am Jazz looks suspiciously like the book art (moreso than Jazz ever did). Jeanette has a crisis of conscience of whether she's doing the right thing, but ultimately realizes that her needs and the world's needs are aligned against Jazz, making her correct to prioritize them via trolley problem logic.

The title is a reference to Orson Scott Card’s novel _Speaker for the Dead_.

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