Andrew Tate's Fraudulent Life & Lies Exposed, Candace Owens Continues Propaganda Campaign | Ep 497

1 year ago

Candace Owens and other conservative media personalities continue to cape up and defend the actions of Andrew Tate. Why? Does Tate offer one benefit to society or the young men he purportedly elevates? Jason doesn’t see anyone being rewarded by Tate’s schemes other than Tate himself — like the true pimp he claims to have been. Fortunately, there are voices in the media willing to expose Tate’s gilded world. "Common Sense Skeptic" has released a series of documentaries on YouTube fact-checking Tate’s entire narrative from his claims that his father was one of the world's greatest chess players to the truth about his Romanian lair. Join “Fearless” as we help unmask the real Andrew Tate.

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We want to hear from the Fearless Army!! Join the conversation in the show chat, leave a comment or email Jason at

00:00 Conservative Media Capes Up for Andrew Tate
07:50 Calculating Tate's Lies
13:00 The Truth About Andrew Tate's Kickboxing Career
23:50 @commonsenseskeptic Joins Fearless

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