Can Willpower come from Letting Go? (Near-Death Experience)

1 year ago

This video contains the best motivation tip I have come across in the astral experiences online. I have studied several near death experiences (NDE) and of all the out of body experiences on YouTube, this one is the most useful. Spiritual people should resonate with it. Credit goes to Jim Bruton.

What are you mentally holding onto? What habits are you holding onto that are draining your willpower? Next time you meditate ask yourself these questions.

If you want to know how to get motivation, how to build willpower, start here. I used to find motivation in meditation groups, but those groups no longer exist, so now I use letting go and inner dialogue to press forward.

Amazing willpower story from subscriber:

"I remember years ago when I was really crapped off by the whole world so I was way out in the bush and I decided I just wasn't going to have a bar of any of it. I wasn't going to do any thing. Any thing. Nothing. No thing. So I wandered about and one day thought I'll just do this little thing. It was actually just picking up a bit of debris from a burned down house and moved it. Well I kept up that attitude for the longest time. I would not do anything I did not want to do and I did everything, anything in absolutely the slowest and easiest way possible and if I wanted to stop it and give it up I did. Alright? Got the idea? And from there I did twenty years of solid work doing more than I've ever done in my life. And I think - though I don't really understand it - that it was all about 'getting in touch with myself', becoming my own master, doing what I wanted from choice instead of living a life full of 'must do', a life like a hunted animal ever seeking safety, refuge, a life like a donkey on a treadmill endlessly treading, treading, treading and never getting anywhere. And perhaps those last few words sum it up: 'never getting anywhere'. When I threw the towel in and decided I just wasn't going to do anything anymore that's perhaps when I 'got somewhere'. Not just 'somewhere' but reached 'the end', 'the goal', my goal. I 'arrived' at where I wanted to be."

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