The BEST Shoulder Pain Warmup

1 year ago

If you have shoulder pain then try out this simple warmup.

1. Shoulder External Rotation: Use a mini band between your hands with palms facing up. Perform external rotation by keeping your elbow in front of your body to target the rotator cuff muscles instead of the deltoids.
2. Front Pulls: Grab a pull-up band with your arms in front of you. Squeeze your rhomboids to start the movement as you pull the band apart. Hold it apart for 1-2 seconds before you let it return to your starting position and repeat.
3. External Rotation with Shoulder Press: Place a mini band around your arms as you keep tension on it and perform shoulder presses. Make sure to keep that pressure on the band the entire time.

Make sure to perform each exercise for 3 sets of 20 reps. If this doesn't work, self-massage a few different muscles which you can learn how to do by watching our new video over at YouTube.

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