Building Trust At Work With Guest Ian MacLeod | The Leadership Toolkit

1 year ago

In this episode, we have a captivating discussion on two critical pillars of leadership: building trust at work and performance management. Workplace trust is so important to the continued long term success of any organization. Joining me is the esteemed Ian MacLeod, a renowned expert in leadership development and organizational psychology. Ian also has a channel on YouTube, @GroUp512 (You should go watch it!)

In leadership and management, trust is the foundation that successful organizations are built on. We spend a lot of discussion time on how fostering a culture of trust among team members and leaders and cross departmentally can lead to increased collaboration, enhanced productivity, and ultimately, long-term success.

Throughout the episode, Mike and Ian delve into real-world examples, case studies, and many actionable tips that you can implement right away. One of my favorite discussion points is that of "the marshmallow test" from the 1970's, that, while looking at trust principles in children can correlate directly to business trust, ethics, and performance. This was updated and performed again by adding additional variables. (More about the marshmallow test and other resources here -

This was an excellent conversation and a really good episode of "The Leadership Toolkit."

Whether you are a seasoned executive, a team leader, or an aspiring manager, this podcast equips you with the essential tools to become a trusted and effective leader.

📅 Mark your calendars for Wednesday's at 12:05 pm MDT / 2:05 pm EST to tune in right here

The Leadership Toolkit is the definitive leadership podcast. If you want to be a better leader and grow the people around you, this is the podcast for you!

Leadership is a skill. Successful leaders are learning and growing themselves every day. On this show, I am connecting with managers and leaders from different verticals of business and bring their thoughts, ideas, strategies, and tactics, here.

I'll be talking with people that will share their experiences, both the successes they have enjoyed and the failures they have endured, in leading and growing others to help YOU grow to become a better leader, a better manager, and a better communicator.

Join me on Wednesdays at 12:05 MST / 2:05 EST for the Leadership Toolkit: Let's grow yourself, and the people around you!
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