Dr. Jane Halper-Hayes Drope HUGE DECLASS on GBN

1 year ago

Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes does a disclosure of the dissolution of the USA, Inc. & the return to the US Republic. You can tell all the information she is disclosing went right over the head’s of both puppet prompter readers. LOL She is part of a DOD Task Force and says all Election Fraud Information the US Military has tracked will be shown in Federal Court & to all people on earth.

She says the US Military & President Donald J. Trump prevented a Civil War by allowing the Deep State to complete the Election Coup while it was being fully monitored by the US Military (aka Space Force which was created by Trump), allowed the Deep State & MSM to install Joe Biden as the illegitimate President of the bankrupt & dissolved USA, Inc. Corporation using many different forms of MASSIVE election fraud. All of this stuff is exactly what Q has been saying all along.

It is amazing this has now been released on Mainstream Media News, even if it was on GBN in the UK rather than a fake stream media in the USA. I guess time will tell if Donald J. Trump is the now the 19th President of the US Republic, still the 45th President of the USA, Inc., the upcoming 47th President of the USA, Inc., or a political prisoner in Federal Prison and we are all living in a Communist New World Order prison planet.

This information would explain why Biden filmed the inauguration on a different day, why he did not have access to Air Force One until they could create a look-a-like, why he films White House stuff in a non-disclosed location film studio, why he uses military actors instead of real troops, why Real Raw News keeps saying their reporting the REAL NEWS, and so much more.

This bit of HOPIUM is all the people have right now since it “appears” that the JEWISH GLOBALIST COMMUNIST SATANIC CABAL is still in full control of MSM, the Courts, Both Houses, and the US Military in America. Wow, 650 planes of gold removed from the Vatican Bank!

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