Canada is Under Attack, The Great Canadian Takeover!, CCP Money Laundering, RIP Middle class

1 year ago

Originally Aired on : Apr 11, 2016 VANCOUVER
My Opinion: This is Nuts ! Chinese are parking their money here like crazy ! They are bidding up Junk homes so fast that the Canadian proper cant compete ! at this rate Canada wont exist by 2025 , the housing market will NEVER BURST unless they put an end to Money Laundering in Canada NOW ! Bidding Wars on Junk Homes , CCP Money Laundering Outbidding Middle class Canadians, Chinada

hot topic here in the north west southwest of Canada northwest of you in the United States of the housing bubble here in Vancouver and I've been doing some math watching a few documentaries I read a book believe it or not actually write a damn bulk and it's not good it's the market keeps getting fueled by foreign investors so if everybody lost their job here in British Columbia in Vancouver and British Columbia the housing market will just keep going up because the foreign mark or the foreigners are coming in and buying up the market at whatever price and they're over bidding at each other and it's destroying the the ability for the common Canadian to buy anything in this country well in the province of BZ now and if you go oh go two hours away or an hour away from the city it's worse you get poor quality poor quality of living like and and over expensive stuff that is beyond anything you could ever imagine so a housing bubble would have burst here in Vancouver no I can't even Burnaby Richmond it will never burst because there's always people people overseas that are going to come in from China basically and buy up the properties a second they're available for sale because a lot of the money a lot of the money that is being made in China a percentage of it is illegally made so they can invest it in China so they come to Canada and used the housing market as a safe haven the housing market and gold market is a few markets that are safe havens right the housing markets are safe because you're not carrying around Brooks a gold everywhere you go or having him in save swear it's a risk to get to get you know you could get killed over having goals right bar is a golden so just investing houses so that's what that's what a lot of foreigners have been doing they've been bringing in a lot of money dirty money a lot money laundering whatever it is and or illegally made money and just investing it here in Vancouver and what does that happen well it's going to happen it's just Oh what happened the BC people or the Canadian start losing their jobs they can't pay their mortgages who cares they leave and then more foreigners come in and buy up the properties that's just how it is I read a book believe it or not I did and it actually explains how that's happening and not everyone's scared to call a spade a spade I mean the people that are coming they're not even Canadians so why can't the Canadian people as a body say hey we're tired of this I want my kids to buy a house one day I want my kids to have roots you know the main thing is settling route but if you can't even I mean you're gonna have to rent for the rest of your life because because the country you live in is being sold out under your feet and you've got to call the status be it is what it is it's not like they're already Canadian citizens coming over here that had some bad luck overseas in there you know investing back it's not even that is that it does not even the case so anyways let me know what you guys think about this because let me know if it's happening I know what's happening in California to is experiencing this problem San Francisco I know this quite a few places on the west coast of the United States that's starting to see increasing increase in property values and it's a lot of it is foreign investments so let me know if this is happening to you guys down there too thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button bye

#mikeinthenight #mikemartins

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