Return Within: A Poem on the Sacred Path of Meditation

1 year ago

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery as we delve into the sacred path of meditation in this video. Join me as we dive deep into the profound teachings of Swami Abhishiktananda and uncover the timeless wisdom that lies within his poetic masterpiece.

In this exploration, we unveil the power of meditation as a gateway to divine consciousness and union with the sacred. Discover the incredible story of Swami Abhishiktananda, a Benedictine monk and priest whose spiritual quest led him on an extraordinary path of self-realization and harmony between Christianity and Advaita Vedanta.

Through the lens of Abhishiktananda's inspiring journey, we witness the profound impact of meditation on his life and spiritual evolution. As a soldier in World War II, he witnessed the brutal realities of war, prompting him to question the meaning of existence amidst suffering. These experiences ignited a burning desire within him to seek deeper understanding and connect with the divine.

In 'Return Within,' Abhishiktananda's poetic masterpiece, we explore the essence of meditation as a transformative practice. We uncover the profound teachings of Advaita Vedanta, which emphasize the non-dual nature of reality and the unity of all existence. Through meditation, we learn to transcend ordinary consciousness, cultivating inner peace, stillness, and a profound sense of connection with the divine.

Whether you are a seasoned meditator or new to the practice, this video offers profound insights and practical guidance to deepen your meditative journey.

Don't miss this enlightening and soul-nourishing exploration, and don't forget to subscribe!

Sending peace and love to all!

#meditation #spiritualjourney #spiritualpoetry


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© 2023 Najim Mostamand

Music by Cousin Silas ("Autumn Through a Soft Focus Lens," "Innocence" and "The City Sleeps")
Check out Dave's incredible music here:

This video is dedicated to God and all His wonderful glory. May His endless light, love, and wisdom continue to guide us all back Home.


Return within,
to the place where there is nothing,
and take care that nothing comes in.

Penetrate to the depths of yourself,
to the place where thought no longer exists,
and take care that no thought arises there!

There where nothing exists,
There where nothing is seen,
the Vision of Being!
There where nothing appears any longer,
the sudden appearing of the Self!

Dhyana is this!

~ Swami Abhishiktananda (Henri Le Saux)


Swami Abhishiktananda, originally known as Henri Le Saux, was a French Benedictine monk and mystic who made significant contributions to interfaith dialogue and spiritual exploration. He was born on August 30, 1910, in Saint-Brieuc, France, and passed away on December 7, 1973.

In the early years of his life, Henri Le Saux was deeply influenced by the Catholic tradition and became a Benedictine monk. However, his spiritual quest led him to a profound interest in Eastern religions, particularly Hinduism. In 1948, he traveled to India and eventually settled in the state of Tamil Nadu.

During his time in India, Henri Le Saux adopted the name Swami Abhishiktananda, which means "the bliss of the anointed one." He embarked on a spiritual journey that involved deep immersion in Hindu practices and dialogue with spiritual masters. He sought to bridge the gap between Christianity and Hinduism, striving to find the common ground between the two traditions.

Swami Abhishiktananda was deeply influenced by Advaita Vedanta, and his experiences led him to emphasize the importance of inner realization and the direct experience of the divine. He believed that the true essence of all religious paths pointed to the same ultimate reality.

In addition to his spiritual explorations, Swami Abhishiktananda was also a poet. His poetry reflected his inner struggles, spiritual insights, and encounters with the divine. His poems expressed a deep longing for union with God and a yearning for the transcendence of dualistic concepts. Some of his notable poetic works include "The Secret of Arunachala" and "Poetry of a Hermit."

Overall, Swami Abhishiktananda's life and writings continue to inspire individuals in their spiritual journeys. His exploration of poetry provided a means of expressing his deepest spiritual insights and inviting others to embark on their own paths of self-discovery and divine communion.

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