Q&A Webinar from August 9th, 2023

1 year ago

In this webinar, Dr. Cowan discusses the following:

Our New Biology Clinic (https://newbiologyclinic.com/) is growing and we are in need of hiring an additional practitioner. If you have mentored with Dr. Cowan, or know the principles of the new biology and are interested in joining our staff, please email customersupport@drtomcowan.com to inquire.

- We are also looking for a Graphic Designer to join our team. If you or anyone you know may be interested, please view the job description here: https://drtomcowan.com/blogs/blog/were-hiring-graphic-designer-full-time

- A Q&A session; topics include:
1. Does the hydrogen water work as good means to replenish your oxygen supply?
2. I have been donating platelets for a number of years and get called quite often for a donation. Now that I am learning about new biology, I wonder if I am harming someone who receives the platelets I donated - since the platelets are not of themselves and basically dead. Also when the red blood cells are cycled back to me they add "something" I don't recall and is this not good for me either?
3. How often should one brush their teeth, and why?
4. What should we do if we have plaque and tartar on our teeth? (What causes plaque and tartar? Is plaque and tartar bad?)
5. What would you do if you had a root canal in the past?
6. Can you discuss neuropathy and possible therapeutic strategies? Are alpha lipoic acid, noni lotion, or fruit leather effective treatments?"
7. Do you know if it’s possible to heal a weeping cyst on the uterus without doing surgery, and what might be effective?
8. What is your view of nitric oxide?

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