1 year ago

Noah Gragson has been put on a suspension from NASCAR for liking a tweet that mocked the now deceased drug addict thug, George Floyd.

Sadly, he was forced to break to cancel culture and apologize to the mob.

Will his apology make a difference?

Just as a reminder, George Floyd—drug addict street thug—was held in submission for nine minutes by officer, Dereck Chauvin. Floyd, was high on fentanyl during this moment and ended up losing his life due to an overdose while being detained.

This is the tweet liked by Noah Gragson. No words, just merely a meme of the drug addict, George Floyd, being mocked as a crab. Not a re/quote tweet, a mere “like” from a 100,000 follower account would not have been seen by many. A suspension seems honestly over the top!

Even further evidence shows that George Floyd himself wasn’t a star pupil on social media. An unearthed tweet from “Big Floyd’s” feed read “these trans folk straight up fuked in the head”. Surely because he’s black, it gets overlooked. He’s a “product of his culture” they say.

Noah admitted he was disappointed in himself for a “lack of attention and actions on social media”.

I mean, at this point you’re liable for everything you do in and out of the workplace. Where we have protections for minority classes but not from your own thoughts and opinions.

This is the future, as cringe as it is to say. Where you’ll be held accountable for everything you say as a “social credit score”. I know that drones on in boomer media, but it’s true!

Noah Gragson could be permanently suspended and replaced, some outlets are reporting. Where will he go? It’s honestly dehumanizing to suggest that one cannot have an authentic out view on life. You must conform to your office protocols in and out of work, politics included.

To suggest that Noah’s story isn’t tragic, would be wrong. The public apology—unless forced—was unnecessary. What does it accomplish? Nothing. It’s never good enough anymore, you can never apologize enough. Why give the haters an ounce of your dignity?

The future is dark, soon your average wage slave will not be able scroll the internet in peace. When we can’t agree with the “wrong opinions”. We’re being stripped of our humanity and being turned into nothing more than a slave to society. A biological cog in the machine.

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