Psychic Medium Cath Chit Chat Corner With Grizzly on The Hubt

1 year ago

A psychic medium is an individual who claims to have the ability to communicate with spirits or entities from the spiritual realm. They believe they can establish a connection with the deceased or tap into other supernatural sources of information.

Psychic mediums often offer readings or consultations where they provide insights, guidance, or messages from spirits to clients seeking answers or closure.

The methods they employ can vary, including clairvoyance (seeing visions), clairaudence (hearing voices), or other psychic abilities. It's important to note that the existence and abilities of psychic mediums are highly debated and not scientifically proven.

Remote viewing is a phenomenon or practice where individuals claim to perceive or gather information about a distant or unseen target using extrasensory perception (ESP) or psychic abilities. It is often associated with the field of parapsychology.

Those who claim to have clear seeing abilities may perceive visual information, symbols, images, or visions in their mind's eye that are not derived from ordinary sensory input. These impressions can relate to past, present, or future events, or they may provide insights into a person's emotions, health, or other aspects of their life.

Clear seeing is considered one of the psychic or intuitive
"clair" abilities, along with clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear sensing or feeling), and claircognizance (clear knowing). While some individuals believe in and rely on their clear seeing abilities, it's important to note that the existence and accuracy of such abilities are highly debated and not scientifically proven.

#PsychicPower #SpiritualGuidance #Intuitive Wisdom
#PsychicRealm #Divinelnsight #AuraReading
#ClairvoyantVisions #MediumshipConnection #EnergyHealing #TarotMagic #PsychicIntuition #SoulReading #PsychicMedium #PsychicReadings #ChannelingWisdom #EmpathicSensitivity #MetaphysicalRealm #PsychicPhenomena #SpiritualAwakening
#MysticInsights #IntuitiveHealer #PsychicPredictions
#TelepathicAbilities #SixthSense #SpiritualEnlightenment
#PsychicJourney #grizzlychris

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