Fire & Blood Vol. 1 | Aftermath - The Hour of the Wolf (Chapter 19)

1 year ago

Despite the death of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen at Dragonstone in the tenth moon of 130 AC, and the greens retaking King's Landing after the Moon of the Three Kings, Rhaenyra's supporters, the blacks, continued to fight in her name against King Aegon II Targaryen. Indeed in 131 AC, three blacks armies were marching on King's Landing: from Winterfell an army of northmen led by Lord Cregan Stark, from Riverrun an army of rivermen led by Lord Elmo Tully and from Gulltown an army of valemen commanded by Lord Leowyn Corbray and his brother Ser Corwyn Corbray in the name of Lady Jeyne Arryn.

The rivermen were welcomed by smallfolk and the gold cloaks when they enter the city. The remaining loyalists of Aegon II throughout the Crownlands bent the knee to the advancing army of valemen. Lord Cregan brought his army into the city and took control of it. He intended to continue hostilities by carrying out reprisals against the main supporters of Aegon II (Lannisters, Hightowers and Baratheons) in the name of the new king, the son of Rhaenyra, Prince Aegon.

However, Lord Corlys had already sent envoys to Casterly Rock, Oldtown and Storm's End in order to negotiate peace. If the terms of peace are rejected, the war can continue, like Cregan wanted. On the other hand, if they are accepted, attacking the former partisans of Aegon II would be considered as perjury and a breach of the King's Peace. Lord Cregan must therefore wait for their answers. The waiting lasted six days, during which Lord Cregan held the court in check thanks to his army. The Three Widows (The Three Widows was the nickname used by Archmaester Gyldayn to refer to Samantha Tarly, Johanna Lannister, and Elenda Baratheon,) accepted the peace, preventing Lord Cregan from continuing hostilities.

Lord Cregan still intended to do justice, by condemning those who are guilty or let commit the regicide of Aegon II. Lord Cregan arrested twenty-two men, including Lord Corlys Velaryon, Lord Larys Strong, Ser Perkin the Flea and Ser Gyles Belgrave of the Kingsguard. He was named Hand of the King and presided over the trials.

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