Dr William Makis: What Do Covid-19 Vaccines Do to the Unborn Baby?

1 year ago

Unborn babies are at risk of spike protein injury and death in multiple ways, from heart damage to congenital malformations and high rates of miscarriages and stillbirths. This is one of the many situations humanity faces. Infants and mothers dying within hours of each other; multiple concert attendees having cardiac arrests at the same time ("when you have myocarditis, all you need is a surge of adrenaline to cause an arrhythmia"), and other bizarre scenarios explained by the extent of harm that has occurred.

Dr Makis is an immunologist, radiologist, oncologist and nuclear medicine specialist speaking out against the dangers of mRNA and other experimental medications being mandated upon populations who are experiencing harm and excess death at unprecedentedly high rates.

The full interview starts around 9m50s at
SOURCE: https://rumble.com/v2zn9h8-live-with-dr.-makis-and-excess-deaths.html

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