#171 Visionary Mark Attwood is back for current updates on his healing center, UFO's, a very candid chat

1 year ago


I am a lifelong spiritual truth-seeker, entrepreneur, author and free sovereign human that entered this dimension in Northamptonshire, England, in the late 1960s.

My path has involved resigning from the RAF whilst under training as a pilot in 1989 when I first realised there was something very wrong with our system and started to awaken from my deeply brainwashed state. I also studied Economics for 5 years where nobody even once mentioned the fractional reserve banking system (the pivotal tool of our enslavement) to me!

This led on to a colourful life in my meat suit which involved spending time as a poet, a stand-up comic, theatre company actor, producer, director and writer, a journalist, a digital marketing entrepreneur, author, publisher and teacher.

I am also father to five amazing children and have lived in four countries (so far).

During my own long dark night of the soul, where God beat me repeatedly around the face with a big wet fish until I finally started listening, I was guided to create this show and move past the fear of ridicule by publicly sharing my truth, my adventures and finding other people that know more than me about things we all need to know. Thank you for being here. We’ve got this.

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Health Products we share and have chatted about on the show.

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Glutathione product
Neumi https://neumi.com/truthstream

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