American Awakening - Lyric Video

1 year ago

We never thought that freedom could be taken away
By vultures who would pick apart every word we would say
They thought that their masks would silence our voices inside
And when we would start to stir they would say, "Keep closing your eyes"

And we spoke up and we got shot down
They let you speak the truth 'til they no longer like the sound

They told us we were crazy and not to trust what's in our sights
They made our vision hazy by blinding us with gaslights
And they'd hit the snooze button when the alarm clock would ring
And so we slept through what should have been our American Awakening

So many years later we're jolted from our sleep
Decades chained in darkness, but now the truth has broken free
We're stepping into sunlight and rubbing our tired eyes
Liberty was never free, a fact we just now realized

'Cause when we spoke up, they shot us down
Our words were always free 'til they no longer liked the sound

They told us we were crazy and not to trust what's in our sights
They made our vision hazy by blinding us with gaslights
And now the truth has shaken us, a long due reckoning
No longer can we close our eyes to this American Awakening

Some saw red, while others saw blue
Some tried to see purple, but none of us saw the truth
We didn't see their tears, couldn't hear their cries
Why did it take us so long to open our damn eyes?

Like those who came before us we owe it to those who will come behind

Well, now we've got them on the run because the truth is in our sights
We are ripping off these masks and tearing down their gaslights
Our flag is still here, and we finally hear the sound of freedom ring
Stars and stripes, red, blue, and white, a beautiful American Awakening

Their darkest lies could not survive the light of our American Awakening
American Awakening

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