Out of Phase Bigfoot caught on film in 1997?!?!?! Watch this video till the end very CAREFULLY.

1 year ago

Proof: Handheld video camera footage of out of phase Bigfoot, more in the description below.

What are they? And, why can't we photograph them most of the time?
About this video footage...
In 1957, strange sightings were reported by a few local town people in Emerson. Then in 1997, sightings of strange, shadowy beings were captured on video. Less than 2 miles from where the original sightings took place, a video camera was found by a local game hunter.

Most Hollywood films are scripted based on LEAKED out INSIDER intel.

What are Bigfoot and why can't we photograph them??
All the Bigfoot varieties be it Canada's Sasquatch, Nepal's Yeti, Australia's Yowie, Indonesia's Orang Pendek, Abominable Snowman, Skunk Ape etc are INTER-DIMENSIONAL BEINGS.
That means that they can go OUT of PHASE or DISAPPEAR inter-dimensionally. In this video you can see one going out of phase.
more about them...
These beings have been here on Earth for a very long time. They work with the Inner Earth beings. They're here to collect and gather data and DNA from all the living species and plants and water and animals in the water and fish and everything. And they're cataloging this and putting it on a type of vault somewhere in order to preserve what Earth really is – kind of a museum for Earth somewhere. And that's why you can never get these guys on film too much, because they have the ability to tele-transport themselves at will. These are very large animals. They have a consciousness and they have a job to do. And they're probably the lowest-maintenance extraterrestrial. And what that means is: they can be dropped on a planet with nothing and gather these items and catalog them and store them somewhere. They're actually prohibited from hurting any type of living creature, so they could take your hair, but they can't take your head. Do they have communication skills? Can they speak, or do they communicate telepathically? They can use their vocal chords to voice, and they also can communicate like Elephants have the ability to send these large thumps through the ground, and these things can be heard for miles and miles and miles and miles away by another elephant. So they have that ability, and that's why people hear really weird shrieks. They hear really weird thumping sounds. People usually say it's someone banging on a tree or something. And they can communicate that way too if they, let's say, have a sore belly and they can't use their diaphragm to make these noises. If they get sick or something happens to them, they cannot use their tele-transportation abilities, and they get lost or left behind on many planets, and they have to stay there indefinitely. And these are some of the lost ones that are hiding in the forests. But they're very adaptable, and they like to work alone. They're very solitude-type extraterrestrials that only mate maybe once a lifetime. They have an indistinctive way to trace portals on the Earth, like natural portals on the Earth, not man-made portals, that they know where to go, and they might travel vast distances to do that. But they will never go through a city, or they're not allowed to interact with the beings from any planet.

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