1 year ago

Truth, justice, treason, God's Word, uncovering the truth from God, store rooms in heaven, jezebel exposed, King of Assyria yoke broken, actor Jeff Cohen acting President, wrestling with demonic spirits, Jesus is THE WAY, 24 hour turn around, God is saving America not a man, do not put anything before God as a idol, restoration, transformation, Glory saturating the earth, Prophet, Trump, evil people dropping like flies, judgement, destruction, evil agenda's exposed, righteous people, God's agenda,God is good,
God is kind,
God is loving,
God is merciful,
God is gracious,
God is compassionate,
God is patient,
God is faithful,
God is just,
God is righteous,
God is holy,
God is wise,
God is powerful,
God is sovereign,
God is eternal,
God is unchanging,
God is all-knowing,
God is all-seeing,
God is all-present,
God is all-powerful,
God is the Creator,
God is the Sustainer,
God is the Redeemer,
God is the Provider,
God is the Healer,
God is the Shepherd,
God is the Father,
God is the Son,
God is the Spirit,
God is the Savior,
God is the Lord,
God is the King,
God is the Judge,
God is the Counselor,
God is the Comforter,
God is the Friend,
God is the Helper,
God is the Protector,
God is the Guide,
God is the Light,
God is the Truth,
God is the Way,
God is the Life,
God is the Resurrection,
God is the Hope,
God is the Peace,
God is the Joy,
God is the Love,
God is the Forgiver,
God is the Redeemer,
God is the Justifier,
God is the Sanctifier,
God is the Reconciler,
God is the Restorer,
God is the Renewer,
God is the Transformer,
God is the Comforter,
God is the Healer,
God is the Savior,
God is the Redeemer,
God is the Deliverer,
God is the Provider,
God is the Counselor,
God is the Friend,
God is the Helper,
God is the Protector,
God is the Guide,
God is the Light,
God is the Truth,
God is the Way,
God is the Life,
God is the Resurrection,
God is the Hope,
God is the Peace,
God is the Joy,
God is the Love,
God is the Forgiver,
God is the Redeemer,
God is the Justifier,
God is the Sanctifier,
God is the Reconciler,
God is the Restorer,
God is the Renewer,
God is the Transformer,
God is the Comforter,
God is the Healer,
God is the Savior,
God is the Redeemer,
God is the Deliverer,
God is the Provider,
God is the Counselor,
God is the Friend,
God is the Helper,
God is the Protector,
God is the Guide,
God is the Light,
God is the Truth,
God is the Way,
God is the Life,
God is the Resurrection,
God is the Hope,
God is the Peace,
God is the Joy,
God is the Love,
God is the Forgiver,
God is the Redeemer,Spiritual, warfare, for, our, struggle, is, not, against, flesh, and, blood, but, against, the, rulers, against, the, authorities, against, the, powers, of, this, dark, world, and, against, the, spiritual, forces, of, evil, in, the, heavenly, realms, Therefore, put, on, the, full, armor, of, God, so, that, when, the, day, of, evil, comes, you, may, be, able, to, stand, your, ground, and, after, you, have, done, everything, to, stand, Stand, firm, then, with, the, belt, of, truth, buckled, around, your, waist, with, the, breastplate, of, righteousness,

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