Chaco Canyon Americas Nephilim Site

1 year ago

This information is from an interview with Navajo Elder and Historian Wally Brown and Dr. Don Mose 3rd generation Medicine Man.

The road into Chaco Canyon is 22 miles of dirt, washboard all the way, fastest you can manage is 30MPH. They have done virtually no excavation at this site? They don't want people to know the true history?

Chaco Canyon is one of many Anasazi/Nephilin ruins in the Untied States,

The Three main sites are Americas Stone Hinge in New Hampshire, The Great Serpent Mound in Ohio, and Chaco Canyon in New Mexico.

The name Anasazi comes from the Navajo word Ana = different, different in appearance and their evil practices,

Sazi = Alien enemy, Evil, en-slavers, cannibals, evil that came from the south.

During the early excavations bones were found that showed clear evidence of giants, cannibalization, and pictographs of 6 fingers and 6 toes, thus all excavation stopped and these areas were put off limits.

The Anasazi called the Navajo A-Na-Bay-Ho People of the Field.

The Anasazi enslaved many of the Navajo, Pueblo and the Cliff Dwellers. These walls were built to keep people in not out?

Oral tradition; The Holy/Medicine Men brought a curse of wind on the Anasazi, it brought the rocks down and destroyed parts of the city and allowed many prisoners to escape.

All the tribes of the southwest came together and made war with the Anasazi and defeated them. The last battle was fought at the Lovelock Caves in Nevada.

The Cliff dwellers finally came out of the cliffs after all the Anasazi were killed and ran out of the area.

The Holy/Medicine men then shot a special arrow high up in the sky to the south and the Anasazi never returned.
The Three ring circle, Stonehenge, Palestine, Sardinia, all Nephilim architecture?
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