CLASS #242: Exposing Some Deceptive End Times Myths!

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Today is 'Worship Wednesday,' and we are continuing our study on prophecy. In today's class, we will look at some End Times myths; teachings of men, NOT the Prophets!. What are these myths, who created them, how and why? Today, we look at the evidence and decide for ourselves. If you accept what you learn today, it could change EVERYTHING about the way you understand prophecy. We hope you will not only join us in our study, but also, keep an open mind and test everything we share against the Scriptures.

This class is part 8 in our study. You may need to watch Class #'s 209, 214, 217, 222, 227, 232 and 237 to catch up.

Here is a link to the show notes connected to this series:

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