Slotherhouse - Official Trailer

1 year ago

Slotherhouse - Official Trailer

In Theatres August 30th, 2023 |© 2023 Gravitas Ventures

Director: Matthew Goodhue
Writers: Bradley Fowler, Cady Lanigan
Actors: Lisa Ambalavanar, Stefan Kapičić, Olivia Rouyre, Sydney Craven, Tiana Upcheva, Bianca Beckles-Rose, Andrew Horton, Sutter Nolan, Grace Patterson, Milica Vrzić, Annamaria Serda, Rudi Rok, Tiff Stevenson, Kelly Lynn Reiter, Fernando Duran, Bradley Fowler, Cady Lanigan, Jelena Kosara, Juliana Sada, Jelena Rakocevic
Genre: Comedy | Horror | Thriller
Run Time: 1 hours 33 minutes

It’s senior year of college for sorority sister Emily Young and for the first time ever, Sigma Lambda Theta is having elections for who will be president. Wanting to have a killer year, Emily Young realizes she might just be the best option for her sorority. While beginning her campaign, she finds an adorable sloth that steals her heart and soon realizes she just might steal the hearts, and votes, of her sorority sisters. But when bodies slowly begin to pile up in the Sigma Lambda Theta house, Emily and her sorority sisters realize the deaths are being caused by their new house mascot, the cuddly sloth Alpha. Will Emily and her sisters escape the house with their lives? Or is this death-sloth with 3 razor sharp claws too quick for them?

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