International False Rape Timeline – hangout (91) – Unwise Sages

1 year ago

This pre-recorded hangout begins with some prefatory comments about Sage journals.

I discuss the sentencing of false rape accusers explaining why harsh sentencing isn’t always a good idea.

I discuss a number of actual rape cases including one I removed from the Timeline, which may or may not have been a false accusation. I cover the case of PC James Formby, yet another police officer who threw away his career over a pathetic woman.

An article I found recently, from 1996, allegations by the daughter of Arthur Mullard, who sounds like another head case.

After that I discuss two requests for information from two different police forces, one of which was totally ignored.

Before turning to the Sage journals I cover the case of Conor McGregor and explain why I will not be adding him to the Timeline.

After this I discussed said articles: the first related to #MeToo and “disclosure”.

I have not and will not be adding any of these articles to the Timeline because frankly they are ridiculous, not mendacious. Police officers are said to be suspicious of rape allegations. Why do you think that is?
The next is an article specifically about false rape allegations, including the mythical 2%; the name Lisak crops up here – see linked page below. The part about his work with “undetected sex offenders” is amusing to say the least. Mary Koss gets a look in – totally dishonest advocacy research, see the Timeline.

The third article covers regret sex and alcohol. The authors seem to believe drunk women are just as credible as sober women. There is some discussion of rape law reform and so-called low conviction rates – specifically to England and Wales (and of course the rest of the world). I wasn’t sure but Bree is on the Timeline at February 4/5, 2006.

The next one was on the theme stop blaming the victim; predictably it covers so-called rape myths, as well as homosexual rape. There is more garbage about rape culture.

The next article concerns male rape, ie rape of males. Yes, there are homosexual rape myths too, there is also some garbage about women raping men.

The next article is about understanding why rape victims go to the police. What is there to understand?

The next article is from a Pergamon journal rather than a Sage journal; this focuses on child sexual abuse – real and imagined! Some of this sounds like coaching to me.

The final article is from a Sage journal and concerns allegation made by teens. Police officers are said to treat these with suspicion. Yeah, right. I had quite a lot of criticisms to make about this, because frankly it is total nonsense, like rape culture again, and of course rape myths. The detectives quoted in this article were more skeptical than me!

David Lisak on false rape allegations:

Mary Koss and The Scope Of Rape

False rape allegations and alcohol (follow the links)

Types of false rape accuser

The Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale

“I Just Froze” – rape myths promoted by Rape Crisis Scotland

My BitChute channel:

Link to the entire body of my published work:

Buy me a coffee:


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