Deceptions & Betrayal. End This Diet of Fear … Momentum for Awakening

1 year ago

[Transitional Times Poem Collection] -
This year we are hearing much about ‘war’ and more recently revelations about ‘contact’ with other realms from the universe. Why? Who controlled the news and the agendas to date? A pair of questions necessitating much research!!

How are such stories being used and what is their aim? How does one ‘story’ distract from or overshadow another. Remember - fear creates energy and eases control …. that is one reason … another may be for us to realise how deeply we are paralyzed in its grip.
I suppose what comes to mind in writing this is - that we are kept ‘so busy’ sweating the big stuff that we do not act or attend to the ‘small’ stuff, where we have control. Remember, every action … like every vote … counts!!

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Poem Wording:-

Deceptions & Betrayal
End This Diet of Fear … Momentum for Awakening.

An ‘alien invasion’ or a ‘nuclear war’?
Which event do you think
that you would prefer …
As a scenario for a global world scare?

Used to awaken those
who just don’t yet see ….
Or feel the need to care.
About what occurs, as it, they feel,
Is just not at their door?

Which kind or scenario do you think you’d prefer?
To get you up and part of this momentum …
No more to hide in the ‘given’, the’ scripted’ …
But to engage, get your own spirit independently lifted?

You know … the drill has been
To ‘use your love’ to manipulate the scene.
It’s not that a ‘one united people’ or
’one world’ idea … is all bad.
It’s just ‘the woke’ focus, is you/us all being had!

The corps that put ‘their’ interests and the HRC,
‘Soros’ funded ‘Corporate Equality Index’
granting ‘woke’ credit scores … these companies,
promoting ‘perversity and profit’
for our inculcation, above
“We, One United People”,
Should feel much shame.

They have facilitate this ‘world’ agenda,
For mere profit and gain.
Wilfully manipulated us all,
creating illusions and pain …
through paid for market ‘force and fear’.

Yes, the earth needs our respect.
Not corporate ‘tokenism’,
moving by incentive, it’s competitive
edge from one continent or region
To world’s ledge?!
Keeping us, by their actions
‘constantly striving and on edge’

It’s time now for ‘thriving‘,
without the endless/ceaseless competition,
imposed by division, price and vice.
Acted through our political planners,
to whom our authority was given.

Reflect and rescind, as soon
as you may, when awoken.
It (ie their actions), was not by us
condoned or bespoken.
But by a few was contrived and imposed.

Taking responsibility is necessary …
as a ‘sovereign being’ and it requires
that trust be both seen and spoken.

So look at ‘within’ and then ‘on’
Let all this tokenism of ‘one world’ be gone.

We already are one, a ‘one united people’,
Stand up, recognise … you already belong.
Time now for us all to awake and together be strong.
Move on.

So, if it’s more drama needed,
to bring home the corruptions point?
My option would be … at this late stage …
Bring it on fast, give us all ‘one big fright’.
Wake us from this seemingly endless night!

20th May 2023.
Transitional Times Poem Collection.

Interesting information ...

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