As Miles Guo said before, real estate giant, Country Garden, is now in crisis. Will it fall soon?

1 year ago

8/8/2023 Is Country Garden, which has recently been exposed for defaulting on US bonds and facing liquidity and credit crises, far from collapsing? Mr. Miles Guo predicted as early as 2021 that Country Garden would definitely collapse! Let's take a look back at Mr. Guo's revelations about Country Garden and the CCP’s real estate market in recent years.
#CountryGarden #RealEstate #default #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
8/8/2023 近期被爆出美债违约,并陷入了流动性危机和信用危机的碧桂园离倒闭还远吗?郭文贵先生早在2021年就指出,碧桂园一定会倒!让我们回顾一下郭先生最近几年有关碧桂园和中共房地产的爆料吧。
#碧桂园 #房地产 #违约 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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